goodbye Santiago

29 Sep

Pre Service Training is ending and I´m getting ready to head to my post for the next 2 years!!! I am going to miss Assomada so much, my family here has taken me in like a daughter and I really love the community. My kriolu language skills have gotten pretty good, and so I was choosen to read a graduation-type speech at our Swearing In ceremony. Here´s how mine goes (pretty sappy but altogether not bad):

  •      Dja pasa dos mes ki nu ben di Boston pa Kabu Verdi, un ilha na osianu Atlantiku, kau kenti ku sol forti. Tudu algen konvida-nu txiga na tudu kau. Nos kumunidadis konvida-nu ser ses amigus. Nos familias konvida-nu ser ses fidjus. Nu atxa morabeza na tudu kasa. Kuandu nu ben, nu ka sabeba `kuze ki era katxupa?´o modi ki ta tomadu bensu, mas poku-poku nu prendi. Nu prendi papia portugues ku kriolu. Nu prendi badja funana ku batuku. Nu kumi bolom bolu y aros pintadu ku bongolon verdi. Nu prendi ma kumida di Kabu Verdi e sabi. Gosi nu ta spadja pe pa tudu kabu, di li na Somada y longi la na ilhas di barlavent. Nu ta nxina ingles. Nu ta djuda mudjeris ku jovens na kumunidadi. Nu ta toma conta di meiu anbenti. N fika kontenti, mas inda sta un poku tristi dexa nha familia di Kabu Verdi, nhas amigus di R.Manel, y nhas colegas di Corpo da Paz. Mas, sima Eugeniu Tavares skrebi na letra di Ora Di Bai, ´Si ka badu, ka ta biradu´.  Para Bens Voluntarios, mutu obrigada a nos familias, nos profesores di lingua, y Corpo da Paz pa fazi nu sperensia kanpion!

Then its off to Praia for two days with other volunteers who are heading to other islands… and Monday Jacky and I fly to Sal! Woot! Woot!

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